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Date: Άγνωστη
Kalamaria/ Karabournaki
The mansion of Dr. D. Grammatikakis in Sofouli
Children in the area of the 1st Kindergarten.
The 1st Primary School in Thrylorio. It was built in 1926.
Date: 1956
Invitation to the Christmas celebration of the students of the 19th Primary School and then the 7th Board of the settlement of Admiral Votsi.
Date: 1950
Date: 2008
Youth Choir Concert at the Municipal Theatre "Melina Mercouri" of the Municipality of Kalamaria, dedicated to Greece.
Date: 2007
Joint concert of the Youth Choir of the Church of St. Panteleimon Votsi and the Chant Choir of Sacred Worship Music of the Faculty of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in its new ceremonial hall.
Date: 2006
Concert of the Youth Choir of the Church of St. Panteleimon Votsi in the ceremonial hall of the old building of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Date: 1997
High school students and students of the monthly parish meetings with the priestly superior, Archimandrite Fr. Chrysostomos, during the end-of-course celebration.
Concert of the choir of the Sunday Schools of the Parish during the end-of-course celebration. Music teacher Theodoros Tsampatzidis.
Educational excursion of the Sunday Schools of the Parish of Votsi, in Philippi.