
Do you want to contribute to our project?

We inform you that the Municipality of Kalamaria is implementing the project "The Hellenic Mosaic," with the Contractor being the company Comitech S.A., which is funded under the Program of Development and Solidarity for Local Government "Antonis Tritsis" in the priority axis: "Education, Culture, Tourism, and Sports" titled: "Greece 1821 - Greece 2021."

The project "The Hellenic Mosaic" aims to highlight the diversity, variety, and interconnectedness of the individuals who contributed to the creation and progress of the Greek state through everyday life, memories, and photographic narratives of Greeks all around the world. Specifically, it involves creating a photographic mosaic digitally, through crowdsourcing, with the composition of portraits and documents to form a "picture from pictures" of people (Greeks and foreigners, men and women, famous and "unknown") who were active in Greece and abroad throughout the historical journey of the Greek nation.

This collective effort involves the collection of material that captures something of the 200-year history of Hellenism and will serve as a historical and cultural record with the potential for future historical, creative, and research applications. In this direction, we invite you to contribute to the implementation of the project with any kind of relevant archival material, including photographs, videos, testimonial texts, handwritten notes, etc.

For any further information or clarification, you can contact us at the email