Results 393 Displaying 1 - 12
Our ancestors in the sacred soil of Pontus.
Date: February 1st, 1941
Korytsa 1/2/1941 Given to my respected father
Date: November 1940
Muleteer in the 1940 war. Photograph from the mountains of Albania
Date: April 21st, 1922
Easter of Greek soldiers in Eski Shehir, Turkey
Date: 1919
Stamatakis Karavasileiadis in military uniform in 1919 in Constantinople
Date: Unknown
The entrance of King George I and Crown Prince Constantine into Thessaloniki in 1912
The bust of Theodoros Kolokotronis in Limbovisi, Arcadia
Military photograph of Stamatis Karavasileiadis, son of Kyriazis
Date: 1945
Συλλογή Πανελλήνιας Ένωσης Αγωνιστών Εθνικής Αντίστασης (Π.Ε.Α.Ε.Α.)
Date: 1914-1918
Kalamaria. Aerial photograph of the cape with military installations during World War I
Date: 1917-1918
Katirli. Huts and tents of the Allied forces at the Disinfection Station during World War I
Katirli. The huts of the Allies and the pier of the Disinfection Station, where soldiers unloaded ammunition during World War I